BLACK PUMPKIN Commentary Track (A Big-Ass Pumpkin Day Extravaganza) - Box Office Pulp Podcast | Movie Reviews | Film Analysis

Thursday, October 14, 2021

BLACK PUMPKIN Commentary Track (A Big-Ass Pumpkin Day Extravaganza)

The gourdiest time of year is here! And while we may have all started the festivities a month ago like Satan intended, the official-official start of this pumpkin spiced season is here and now! HAPPY BIG-ASS PUMPKIN DAY! Yes, it’s our favorite holiday, and per usual we’re celebrating the only way we know how: with a random horror movie featuring a pumpkin. This time it’s another round of Amazon Prime roulette and the winner is the legend of Bloody Bobby in the surprisingly goosebump-y BLACK PUMPKIN. So crack open your can of gourd guts and join us for this feature commentary track!

Apple Podcasts:
Amazon Podcasts: